The journal welcomes a free format submission where authors can submit any editable manuscript files. 

Before making the submission, kindly ensure the following:

  • The content of your manuscript should be within the scope of the journal
  • This should be an editable file including text, figures, and tables, or separate files—whichever you prefer.
  • All required sections should be contained in your manuscript
  • Figures and tables should have legends. Figures should be uploaded in the highest resolution possible.
  • References may be submitted in Vancouver format.
  • If the manuscript, figures or tables are difficult for you to read, they will also be difficult for the editors and reviewers, and the editorial office will send it back to you for revision.


The following contains some of the key requirements in your manuscript.

Title page

The title page of the manuscript should include the following:

  • A brief informative title containing the words that are essential in delivering your key message. The title should not contain abbreviations
  • The full names of the authors (first name, last name), their affiliations and email addresses. We encourage authors to provide their ORCiD ID
  • The author's institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the work was conducted
  • Identify the corresponding author and provide his/her postal address.


The declaration segment should be placed at the end of your manuscript and should include the following:

  • data availability statement
  • funding statement
  • conflict of interest disclosure
  • ethics approval statement
  • participant consent statement
  • permission to reproduce material from other sources
  • author contributions
  • acknowledgments.

Main text file

The main text file should include:

  • Abstract: structured (introduction/methods/results/conclusion) or unstructured
  • Up to five to seven keywords (Medical Subheadings, preferably words that do not appear in title or main text)
  • Main body: formatted as background, materials & methods (materials if relevant), results, discussion, conclusion
  • References
  • Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes should be placed at the end of the manuscript)
  • Figure legends: Legends should be supplied as a complete list in the text. Figures should be uploaded as separate files.


The following are the types of articles published in Global Health Focus:

Article type


Main text

Other notes

Research article

250 words, structured

2000 – 2500 words, up to 5 tables and figures, up to 40 references

Ethics statement required wherever relevant

Short communication

250 words, structured

Up to 1500 words, up to 5 tables, up to 10 references

Preliminary findings of research



1000 – 1500 words, up to 5 references

Invited manuscripts

Review article

250 words, unstructured

3000 – 5000 words, up to 5 tables and figures, references as required



250 words, unstructured

Up to 2000 words, up to 5 tables and figures, up to 10 references

Thematic discussion on subjects, primary data not required


250 words, unstructured

Up to 3000 words, up to 5 tables and figures, up to 10 references

Personal opinion on a topic, often with an engaging through rigorous investigation that enhances the understanding of the subject.

Conference proceedings

250 words, unstructured

Up to 2000 words, up to 5 tables and figures, up to 10 references

Articles published in the context of a conference, individually or thematic summary

Field report

150 words, unstructured

Up to 1500 words, up to 5 tables or figures, up to 15 references

Participant’s consent required wherever relevant

Letter to editor


Up to 1000 words, up to one table or figure, up to 5 references

Communications to the editor



Up to 1000 words, up to 2 tables or figures, up to 5 references

Reports on factual information to update on key events

Manuscripts can be uploaded either as a single document (containing the main text, tables and figures), or with figures and tables provided as separate files. The main manuscript file can be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

Reference style

This journal uses Vancouver style format with numbered intext citation.

               Smith A, Jones B, Clements S. Clinical transplantation of tissue-engineered airway.

               Lancet 2008;372:1201–09.

               Hourigan P. Ankle injuries. In: Chan D, ed. Sports Medicine. London: Elsevier, 2008:

               230– 47.